Delivery Management Software: A win-win for your Business and Customers

Every business needs a proper delivery management software for customers and business to run the business smoothly and to make the customers happy. Without proper delivery management and tracking software, it will be difficult to run a delivery business as there will be no real-time tracking, even communication with the customers will not be easier. It is even difficult for the customers to know the estimated time of arrival of the agent to the destination. By using this delivery management app, paper or manual based work need not be done as there will be automatic data and analytics management.
Delivery Management Software for Business:
Automatic Dispatch:
By using this automated dispatching service, it will be easy to assign the work to the agents. The agents will be assigned the work based on distance, availability, and priority. The admin need not schedule, which work is to be allotted for the agent. If this work is to be done manually, it consumes a lot of time for the admin.
Advanced Communication with Notifications:
The agents will also get the notifications from the admin regarding the task allocation they need to complete. The admin will get the notifications once the agent completes the task and also the customer feedback about the agents. In this way, the SMS or Email notifications can be helpful for agents and the admin as well.
Real-time Tracking:
The admin can easily track the location of the agent by using this Field Service Management Software. The admin will be notified if the agent is delayed due to traffic problem and this helps the admin in assigning tasks to the agents. The admin can easily view the real-time arrival information of the agent on a live map which even helps the admin to schedule the tasks properly.
Estimated Time of Arrival:
The admin can track the location of the agent when the agent will be at their next location. The admin can also predict when the agent can finish all the jobs and ready to take the next task or ready to return. This helps the admin to schedule the tasks properly, identify if there are any problems and can do overall improvement of the business.
Customer Feedback:
The admin will get feedback from the customers about the agents. To build strong relationships with the customers, taking customer feedback is one of the best ways. By knowing the customer feedback and reviews, the admin can make necessary improvements to the business. As customers are a great source of information about your service and getting feedback from the customers will always strengthen the relationship between the customers and the management.
Data and Analytics Management:
The automatic data and analytics Management offers the performance of the agents, status of deliveries, usage of resources and so on. Using these advanced methods the admin can get to know about the clarity of growth in the business. The Field Service Management Software helps the admin in maintaining data automatically as the admin no longer need to do the manual work.
Delivery Management Software for Customers:
Notifications to Customers:
SMS notifications will be sent to the customers in case if there is any delay in the delivery of the product or the product is out of delivery. The customers need not call the service providers for follow up.
Live tracking of agents:
The customers can easily view the real-time arrival information of the agent on a live map which even helps them to schedule their day properly in case of any delay in the arrival of the agent. If the agent is delayed due to a traffic problem, the customers will get to know the location of the agent and this helps in maintaining a good relationship with the customers.
ETA of the Agents:
The customers will get to know about the estimated time of arrival of the agents to the destination. The customers will get updates about the arrival time of the agents or incase of any delay they will get notified. This helps the customers to plan their day properly.
Date and Time Preferences:
The customers have the option to select the date and time of their choice to receive the product or the service. This will be helpful for the customers to receive the product at a convenient time.
Smart and Optimized route:
The best and the shortest route will be suggested to the agents, such that a maximum number of deliveries can be done in minimum time. In this way, the admin can get more profits and even the customer will also get the product delivered in less time.
Delivery Proof:
Once the product delivery is done, the electronic proof of delivery along with the e-signature of the customer will be submitted to the agent. This will be helpful to the admin and the customer to know whether the agent delivered the product to the original customer.
Read more: Last Mile Delivery guide Explained! (Infographic)
Deliforce is a Saas based company, offering Last-mile delivery tracking Software where admin or business owner can assign different tasks to the agents and track them in real-time. The customers can also track the agents and get to know about the estimated time of arrival of the agent. Get an ultimate solution like Delivery Management app to your business by Deliforce. Let’s contact Deliforce to get detailed information about this solution.